Information About Fees & Quotes

It is important to know that your anaesthetic account is determined by your anaesthetist and is separate to any others you might incur related to your procedure.

The anaesthetists we support generally calculate their fee using the Commonwealth Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) schedule of fees. Each aspect of the anaesthetic is assigned an MBS item number that has a corresponding unit value. The fee is calculated from the total number of units accrued. Other aspects used by your anaesthetist to calculate their fees are the type and duration of surgery, the health and age of the patient, special monitoring required and emergency procedures.

Private Health funds and Medicare cover a portion of the total fee which may leave you with an out of pocket expense.

For more information regarding your private health insurance policy, you can refer to the federal government website

For an estimate of your anaesthetic costs please contact our support staff on (07) 3831 0383 and we will provide you with an estimate from your anaesthetist.
