Dr Cathy Brooksbank

MBBS (HONS), FANZCA, Dip of Anaesthesia UK, EMAC / Crises Management Instructor, EMST, APLSC.

Anaesthesia for Obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Urological surgery and Breast and Endocrine surgery.

Dr Brooksbank completed her undergraduate medical training at the Monash University Victoria, where she graduated in 1992 with Honours. In 1996 she completed a Diploma of Anaesthesia whilst working in the UK, before returning to QLD to commence her anaesthetic training in Australia. While in the UK Dr Brooksbank became an Advanced Life Support Instructor. Dr Brooksbank completed an Early Management of Anaesthetic Crisis course and was an Instructor for this course for several years. Dr Brooksbank has also instructed on Crisis Management courses for Paper/Scalpel/Rock which educates Anaesthetists on the principals of crises management and provides real life simulation scenarios of Anaesthetic crises.

Dr Brooksbank trained at the Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Gold Coast Hospital, Cairns Base Hospital, and the Princess Alexander Hospital. She received her Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA) in 2002.

Dr Brooksbank is a keen participant in undergraduate medical education and is a Senior Lecturer and Clinical Tutor at the University of Queensland, she has also assisted the Queensland Anaesthetic Regional Training Scheme in the selection process of future Anaesthetic trainees.

Dr Brooksbank also volunteers to teach Basic and Advanced Life Support to Doctors in Cambodia.

When not consulting, Dr Brooksbank enjoys travelling, cooking, handicrafts, photography and spending time with her family.